No one knows you like you know you. We set up a series of questionnaires to help you determine where to look first. If you test highly for a questionnaire, you are more likely to have the coinciding condition. From there we will recommend an at home test and a protocol to follow. 


Your test is conducted from reliable and respected 3rd party sources. This is completely optional but gives you more definitive results than just symptomology. The questionnaire is not a diagnosis but a best guess. 


You can continue to the protocol before or after testing. The protocol is a meal plan with therapeutic foods, restricted foods, and all natural supplements. Although some supplements are powerful and can interact with certain medications, most of the holistic supplements are all natural and don't require any type of prescription or harbor any nasty side effects. Always check supplement interactions if you are already on medications or taking something. The protocol walks you through the phases of your therapeutic diet, where you heal the issue at its root cause. 



What makes us different at Holistic hormone and gut health is the multi-system approach we take to helping you achieve your goals. 


Theres an old Indian proverb of six blind men and an elephant. Each man is touching a different part of the elephant and describing what he feels. Each man creates his own reality on what an elephant is and what it feels like. At the end of the day, all the blind men are correct, yet each one has a limited experience and perspective. 


Health is the elephant, and the blind men represent each specialist in their field. Depending on who you talk to, you'll hear a different depiction on what health is. A lot of them are kind of right but neglecting to see the full picture. 


Holistic health is looking at the whole person and the web of physical, mental, and emotional factors impacting your wellness. We utilize extensive questionnaires to help us pinpoint where we need to investigate further. From there, we recommend specific testing that can be done in the comfort and convenience of home. We will then utilize multiple modalities such as therapeutic meal planning, exercise, herbal supplements, natural therapies, and stress management. 


We don't believe in putting a band aid on a bullet hole. We believe in getting to the root cause of the issue, resolving it, and ensuring it never happens again. Our bodies are incredibly adept to handling most issues, we just need to give them the tools to do so. 


What's included with the one-on-one coaching?


  • 3 months with a holistic coach meeting 1-3 times a week via telehealth 
  • Review of any purchased tests to interpret results (gut, intolerances, hormone) 
  • Actionable advice through the form of diet, exercise, and supplement recommendations 
  • Communication style based on client preference (3 options)
    • You fill out a questionnaire via email (coach sends a video response)
    • phone call (live)
    • video chat (live)
  • Personalized meal plan and workout plan based on the initial client questionnaire, additional questionnaires, and test results)
    • meals customized based on food preferences, food access, and food intolerances
    • exercise assignments based on specialist recommendations and client preferences
  • Accountability and guidance through lifestyle changes 
  • Weekly homework customized to the fit your specific needs





Yeast Overgrowth/Candida Protocol

US$50.00 US$40.00

Yeast Overgrowth/Candida Protocol

US$50.00 US$40.00

This protocol outlines the process you would go through to eliminate your yeast overgrowth. 

It includes:

  • Specific phases to follow to eliminate the problem and a timeline to assist you in determining when to start each phase
  • Dietary recommendations and example meal plans
  • Lists of which foods are allowed and not allowed during the protocol to make meal planning easier
  • Antimicrobial recommendations to eradicate the overgrowth
  • Directions on how to start adding back in foods and replenish any nutrients dimminish during the first few phases 

Food Intolerance Protocol

US$50.00 US$40.00

Food Intolerance Protocol

US$50.00 US$40.00

This protocol helps you identify trigger foods through the process of elimination.

It includes:

  • A timeline to assist you in determining when to start each phase
  • Dietary recommendations and example meal plans
  • Lists of which foods are allowed and not allowed during the protocol to make meal planning easier
  • Healing nutrients to reinforce gut lining
  • Directions on how to start adding back in foods and replenish any nutrients dimminish during the first few phases